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35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you hosted me, 36 naked and you dressed me, sick and you visited me, imprisoned and you came to see me. 37 Then the righteous will answer him: Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty, and give you drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and we hosted you, or naked and dressed you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and we came to visit you? 40 Responding, the king will say to them, "Truly, I say to you, every time you have done these things to one of these little brothers of mine, you have done it to me. (Matthew 25: 35-40)

The association was founded in 1991 as a spontaneous group with the specific purpose of contributing to the support of the students of a boarding school: the Hogar S. Martin de Porres of Abancay, in the Andean region of Peru managed by the Congregation of the Ldentes Missionaries, through of distance adoption.

In fact, the boys in question, although not for the most part orphans in the strict sense, come from families with serious economic and social problems and the college allows them to provide a healthy environment to grow, attend school, learn a trade.

The funds raised manage to cover around 90% of the ordinary management expenses (food, clothing, school books and stationery materials, etc.) of the reception house in Abancay.

The management formula adopted by the Association, which does not include advertising costs and is exclusively realized by voluntary members, allows to send to the Abancay Mission more than 95% of the sums collected.

Following the association's registration in the register of 0.N.L.U.S. , the possibility of helping other young people in the world, in the context of the Identes missions, to be supported, compatibly with new availability of resources.


Method of Acceptance

Apply the signature of 5 per 1000
indicating the tax code
of the Association: 91011720348.
Become a member and pay a
semi-annual fixed contribution.

Become a Volunteer

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tipo di volontariato nella nostra

missione e si desidera ottenere

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Monastero Santa Maria degli Angeli

Via F. Provesi 39

Busseto (PR)

43011 ITALIA

Tel: +39 0524 930154



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